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> March 2017
And Crayola's newest crayon is...
Listen to how a 4 year-old boy saved his mother's life
Here's the interview with America's Dewey Bunnell!
Do you struggle with speaking to others clearly?
Bob Dylan's handwritten tribute to Wisconsin up for auction
Ford recalls 440K vehicles for fire risk, door latch trouble
Good packing advice for spring break
Clips from my interview with America's Dewey Bunnell
Fun New Game You Can Play Anywhere: Coinhole
Playful or Creepy? Cuba Gooding Jr. Lifts Up Co-Star's Dress
50 Nerds of Grey: yes, "Shades" got better
Foods (besides chocolate) that can be dangerous for your dog
Help Milwaukee Get A Show On HGTV!
There's A Lipstick That Changes Color With Your Mood
RIP: Drummer for 'Boston' Dies on Cruise Ship
UBER Will Drive A Puppy To Come Visit You!
3-Year-Old Girl Steals the Pope's Hat Off His Head!
7 Stages Of Going On A Diet
You Can Take A Trip To The Titanic!
A Tale of 2 Wines: How ELLEN Broke Her Finger
A Bee Gees song is, ironically, the best song to perform CPR to...
For $425K, you can own Aaron Rodgers' house
America's fastest drive-thru chain clocks in at just under 3 minutes
Fast food workers reveal secrets you should know
It's a Gator hunt for the Badgers in the #Sweet16
A high school senior from Kansas is going viral because of his prom date
WATCH: These Garden Gloves Look Amazing!
Uh Oh! Toilet Seat Covers Don't Stop Germs! (Video)
If you won the lottery, would you give most of the money away?
What's Your Leprechaun Name?
Go Bucky! See Aaron Rodgers congratulations tweet
Tom Pipines talks Badgers, March Madness and retired life
Here's Why We Need Nap Time At Work!
Dairy Queen Is Giving Away Free Ice Cream!
Baby Sees His Military Dad For the First Time ♥
Fleetwood Mac & The Eagles headline Classic East and West festivals
Does Your Dog Enjoy A Good Face Rub Like This One?
School Bans PARENTS from Using Cell Phones
Happy Pi Day! Here Are Recipes To Help You Celebrate
ALS, We're Comin' For Ya
She Finally Did It! Ferris' Big Breakthrough...
What Kristen Bell admitted to Dateline host may incriminate her
An incredible 360° view of the Bucks new sports arena
Would You Eat Chicken Cooked Medium Rare?
When YOUR Irish Eyes are Smiling
Ferris + A Windy Day = Gigglefest
What's wrong with THIS picture?
The Reason Cops Tap Your Taillight When They Pull You Over
Watch: Hugh Jackman Recording Sound For Movie Logan
Who's more adult...Murphy, Meg or Jenna?
Amy Schumer Takes a DIG at Waukesha's Bachelor Nick!
Meg Tried to Get Former Packer Mark Tauscher to Do What?!
My Weekend In 3 Pics...from Beatle Bash to Geocaching
Ready for tax time? Don't do these 7 things...
Beatle Bash 2017
Let the Debate Begin ...
Ways To Love Yourself More This Year
This Chocolate Chip Cookie Cake Looks Amazing!
Watch: Little Kids Making Pizza is Incredible!
Cure fans: Remember this MTV 1-900 Parody?
March is here. Time for an inflatable Irish pub!
Wisconsin Boy Donates Birthday Money to Homeless Kids