The Brett Andrews Radio Show

The Brett Andrews Radio Show

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Who's got the Best Celebrity Mullet?

So I guess there's nothing we can do about, it seems to be happening. Maybe we can call the UN or something. Mullets are apparently making a comeback. According the site Study Finds, people who rock millets are free spirited and spontaneous. Check out the study by clicking HERE

The same study asked 2000 people (500 of whom were sporting a mullet at the time of the study) which celebs rocked the best mullets!

Top 20 Celebrity Mullets, According To Fans

  1. Rod Stewart
  2. David Bowie/Ziggy Stardust
  3. Pat Sharp
  4. Patrick Swayze
  5. Chris Waddle
  6. Jason Donovan
  7. Limahl
  8. David Beckham
  9. David Hasselhoff
  10. Andre Agassi
  11. Michael Bolton
  12. Miley Cyrus
  13. Hulk Hogan
  14. Glen Hoddle
  15. Kurt Russell
  16. Billy Ray Cyrus
  17. Paul McCartney
  18. Dolly Parton
  19. Brad Pitt
  20. Rihanna

Photos: Getty Images

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