Ok friends, I need to ask you honest opinion about something.
Am I crazy?
Ok...wait, please don't answer that!
But please, answer this...is it weird to eat French Fries with a fork? I saw a study recently that 1 in 12 people eat pizza with a fork (link to that study here), which reminded me of a night a while ago...my wifey Michaela and I were at home, eating dinner, watching a movie...we were having burgers and fries. Not always, but I often eat French Fries with a fork and, even though we've been married for several years, I guess Michaela never noticed. She was shocked! I didn't think it was that weird...it's not like I was eating a Snickers bar with a fork or something.
So, who's side are you on? Agree with Michaela, eating fries with a fork is weird, or agree with me, not that weird!
SIDE NOTE: I have no idea why there is a five-second video of a person eating French Fries with a fork, but...alas, here it is.