The Brett Andrews Radio Show

The Brett Andrews Radio Show

Listen to The Brett Andrews Radio Show on air and on iHeartRadio.Full Bio


The REAL Cap'n Crunch?

Did you know that Cap'n Crunch, yeah, the cereal guy, was actually named for the famous explorer Ferdinand Magellan and his ship, the S.S. Guppy? I don't really see the resemblance.

How, you might ask, do I know this? Well, like many of us, I clicked one too many times while playing around on social media when I happened upon an article from YNet will a gang of totally random and frankly, totally random fun facts and I just got hooked.

For example....

  • T-shirts were invented for bachelors that couldn't sew or fix buttons.
  • A pencil can write 45,000 words.
  • The mouse on your computer was originally called "a turtle".
  • It apparently takes 364 licks to get to the tootsie center of a Tootsie Pop (and here I thought the world would never know).
  • Barbie's has a full name, it's Barbara Millicent Roberts
  • M&M's stand for Mars And Murrie.
  • The average person spends six months at red lights (feels like more).
  • The average person speaks 5,000 words (unless you're a radio host, then it's more).
  • Cotton Candy was invented by a dentist.

CLICK HERE for a bunch for parties!!

Photo: Getty

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