Did you know that Cap'n Crunch, yeah, the cereal guy, was actually named for the famous explorer Ferdinand Magellan and his ship, the S.S. Guppy? I don't really see the resemblance.
How, you might ask, do I know this? Well, like many of us, I clicked one too many times while playing around on social media when I happened upon an article from YNet will a gang of totally random and frankly, totally random fun facts and I just got hooked.
For example....
- T-shirts were invented for bachelors that couldn't sew or fix buttons.
- A pencil can write 45,000 words.
- The mouse on your computer was originally called "a turtle".
- It apparently takes 364 licks to get to the tootsie center of a Tootsie Pop (and here I thought the world would never know).
- Barbie's has a full name, it's Barbara Millicent Roberts
- M&M's stand for Mars And Murrie.
- The average person spends six months at red lights (feels like more).
- The average person speaks 5,000 words (unless you're a radio host, then it's more).
- Cotton Candy was invented by a dentist.
CLICK HERE for a bunch more...fun for parties!!
Photo: Getty