The Brett Andrews Radio Show

The Brett Andrews Radio Show

Listen to The Brett Andrews Radio Show on air and on iHeartRadio.Full Bio


Want to buy the first TWEET?

Would you like to buy the first ever Tweet? Would you pay millions of dollars? According to CNBC, Twitter CEO Jack Dorsey is selling the first ever Tweet as something called a NFT, which I guess is an item that cannot be exchanged for another thing of equal value. The bid currently sits at more than $2.5 million. I guess this is a Crypto collectible. By the way, if anyone wants to buy any of my tweets, I’ll sell them for way less!

By the way, if you're wondering what the first tweet on March 21st, 2006 was...."just setting up my twttr". Yeah, that's for sure worth 2.5 million bucks!

Photo: Getty

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