Obviously, the news in the last few days has been focused on the President's COVID-19 diagnosis and most of those stories mention the Presidential Suite at the Walter Reed Military Medical Center, just 9 miles from the White House. (By the way, the military hospital is named after the doctor who discovered that yellow fever is transmitted by mosquitos and not people).
In case you're wondering, this suite, reserved ONLY for United State Presidents, is very rarely used since it's just for one person. According the New York Post, "The Presidential Suite at Walter Reed National Military Medical Center, where President Trump spent the night, has both top-level medical care and some comforts of home for the ailing commander-in-chief."
According to the article, the suite is a secure six-rooms that includes an intensive care unit, a kitchen, living room, conference room, bedroom and a desk. There is reportedly a crystal chandelier.
Check out the pictures and article by CLICKING HERE.
Photo: Getty
and article HERE