Over $250,000 raised at the Milwaukee Walk to Defeat ALS

It was once again an honor to help host the Milwaukee Walk to Defeat ALS at Greenfield Park. It had been a few years since the last walk when we were all physically get together and it was a wonderful sight to see the sea of people. This year's theme was "unlock ALS" and each person was given a key on a lanyard with a specific color that represented why they were participating whether it was because you yourself are currently battling the disease, you're representing someone who had passed, you're supporting someone diagnosed or you're just there because you support the cause. I chose red which was the color you wore if you're there because you support the cause but I also have a bit of a deeper connection. My friend Sarah lost her Dad to ALS back in 2016 so this year we did the walk together with her husband and two daughters.

As I was standing behind the mic making my announcements I have to admit I often wonder why I host these types of events. I always end up embarrassingly tearing up as I'm trying to thank everyone for coming, sharing the total amount of money raised, etc. When I say "tearing up" I mean it too, everyone in the crowd can tell because I have to step away from the mic to regroup. Although yes very embarrassing, I hope through my emotions people truly understand the importance of them showing up at an event like that whether it's the leaders of the organization (ALS Association WI Chapter), all the volunteers, sponsors/vendors, and each person there participating. ALS is a terrible disease that currently has no know cause and no know cure. It can effect anyone at anytime and once diagnosed you basically receive a death sentence. So every person standing there in the crowd listening to me lose it, I really appreciate you. I'm grateful you are there joining me in the fight against ALS so we can spread awareness and raise funds to find a cure. Speaking of funds, it was amazing to hear that over $250,000 was raised at the Milwaukee Walk to Defeat ALS this year and I'm grateful to share that number as my Make It Through Monday moment today. Now you can imagine why some tears were shed as that's an incredible amount of money raised. Thank you for participating, reading this, spreading the word about ALS and for every dollar you've raised in the fight against ALS. They will continue to take donations so if you're interested you can donate here. Thank you!

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