Here's why you should eat a banana before bed each night

No I'm not telling you to eat a banana before bed each night because it rhymes with my name...Hannah Banana. There's actually science behind why you should do it! In general eating a healthy snack before bed can help your quality of sleep and digestion. According to dietitian Tracy Lockwood Beckerman, the best option might be a banana with peanut butter! The role bananas play is that they help your muscles relax thanks to being high in potassium and magnesium. The peanut butter contains tryptophan which we know helps aid sleep (think about how you feel after eating that thanksgiving turkey!). The carbs in the banana then help make the tryptophan more available to your brain. Talk about teamwork! I usually have a banana most mornings so maybe I should switch up my routine and try it at night now! You can read more on this from Well + Good.

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