Facebook helps locate family that sent balloon from WI that ended up in MI

What a cool story for my Make It Through Monday moment today. I belong to a group on Facebook for residents of Muskego and a woman from Michigan posted about a balloon that ended up in her backyard all the way from Muskego, WI! The balloon had written on it "Hope this makes your day. Muskego, WI." The woman posted to the Facebook group asking for help tracking down the family that sent it. They found the balloon on March 6 and just three days later tracked down the family! That's the power of social media. When used for the right reasons it can really have a positive impact. The balloon was launched in Muskego, WI and ended up 200 miles northeast across Lake Michigan in Ashton, MI. Have you ever sent something like this and heard later where it ended up? Would love to hear your stories so text me at 877-244-1957 or send me a message to my Hannah Radio Show Facebook page.

Image: Getty

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