Teen girl sets up fake cosmetics site to report domestic violence

It's only fitting for International Women's Day that I share a story about a teen girl who is making a huge difference in this world for my Make It Through Monday moment. Tank's Good News shared this story about Krystyna Paszko who is 18 years old and decided to put her leadership skills towards good after learning that domestic violence rates have been on the rise since the pandemic. She ended up creating a Facebook page for fake cosmetics called "Chamomile and Pansies" so victims of domestic violence can ask for help but it looks like they're just shopping online. They request to buy a cream and a psychologist ends up responding instead of a sales person. They ask things like how long the "shopper" has had "skin problems" or if the affected skin reacts to alcohol, etc. Then if an order is placed and an address provided, they know to send authorities to visit the home. Since the fake cosmetics Facebook page launch in April of 2020, it has helped more than 350 people which is amazing! You can read more at tanksgoodnews.com. I initially saw this story on their Instagram page which I recommend following. They always post such wonderful information and stories!

Image: Getty

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