What are these small bugs all over the snow?

I'm a member of a group on Facebook called Wisconsin Gardening and someone recently posted about a section of her snow that was covered in small little black bugs. She had never seen this before so was asking the group if they knew what it was. I had never seen anything like it either and have to admit that if I did see this in my snowy yard I'd probably freak out. Thankfully lots of the people in the group are very knowledgeable and were able to identify this as snow fleas. Someone even shared a link with more info which states that they can be observed in late winter or early spring but also come to surface on warmer winter days. Although they do jump, luckily they are not related to true fleas as they do not bite, sting or otherwise cause harm to animals. It's also not surprising to find them in areas where people have gardens. At first they look creepy but don't worry, they don't actually do any harm and one person in the group said they're important decomposers! To read more on snow fleas click here.

You can also click here to see the Facebook post with the original pictures and everyone's comments.

Image: Getty

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