Most parents are helpless when it comes to helping their kids with this

If you guessed most parents are helpless when it comes to helping their kids with homework then you guessed correctly. 56% admitted that they're not great at it and that was the case long before virtual learning. Two-thirds of parents have used Google when their kids have asked for help and it turns out they ask for help quite often, about five times per week. I whole heartedly agree with all of that data because I'm living proof. Do you remember the subject phonics? I do because it was super hard. So much so that I asked my parents and my grandma for help on an assignment and guess what, I failed! Yes even though they "helped" me I failed that assignment. We still laugh about that to this day. Phonics was one thing, now they went and changed how math is done. I was terrible at math in the first place and now I don't understand it at all! That's just not fair. If you stress about the fact that you struggle with helping your kids with their homework just know you're not alone! About 54% of parents say they come up with an excuse so they don't need to help their kids. What are the most popular excuses? Visit to find out. You might have used one of these.

Image: Getty

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