Woman has spent $30,000 on this toy memorabilia

I grew up during the Beanie Baby craze and thank goodness my parents didn't let it get out of hand. Yes they let us collect them but nothing like this 27-year-old British woman. Beatrice Salt was such a big "My Little Pony" fan she recently revealed she's spent $30,000 on her toys and memorabilia collection including spending cash from her student loan and mortgage savings. She started collecting when she was just three years old and admitted that her collection takes up 75% of her study which is called her "pony room." 39 shelves are full of roller skates, books, toy castles, and more! I believe this is one of those times that the phrase "to each their own" is a good fit! What toys or memorabilia have you collected over the years? You can read more from DailyMail.com.

Thumbnail image: Getty

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