Mom & daughter pilots make history flying together

Today's Make It Through Monday moment is a story about a mom and her daughter, both are pilots, who just made history after becoming the first mother-daughter duo to pilot a commercial passenger plane together and I think that is just so cool. Captain Suzy Garrett has been flying for over 30 years and was actually one of the first women hired by SkyWest Airlines. Her husband Doug is also a pilot and they passed their love of flying down to both of their children Mark and Donna. Donna was also hired by SkyWest so recently her and her mother got to share the cockpit becoming the first mother-daughter duo to pilot a commercial passenger plane together. Both are grateful to be role models for young girls and encourage them to consider roles within the aviation industry. Suzy and Donna are excited to fly together and have the opportunity to spend more time with each other doing what they love. You can read more and see pictures of the duo at

Image: Getty

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