This is what people miss most about their workplace

It's funny how so many of us dreamed of being able to work from home and then when we were forced to do it, it lost a bit of its spark. Sure in the beginning it's great being able to work in your pajamas and throw in a load of laundry between zoom calls but after awhile you realize there are things you miss about being at your workplace. According to an article at, a study of 2,000 office workers was done and they found that two-thirds of workers say they missed working at their office and 65% said working remotely has made them appreciate the social side of being at the office.

Here are some of the top things people miss about the office:

  • Being face to face with people
  • The office banter
  • Simply asking someone a question out loud rather than messaging
  • Working in a team
  • Your office desk
  • Hearing office gossip
  • Your office chair
  • Catching up about people's weekends
  • The printer
  • Lunch break walks with colleagues

To see what the study revealed about whether or not people want to go back into the office you can click here. Looks like people didn't really miss working at the office more so just the opportunity to socialize more.

Image: Getty

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