This simple fridge hack can cut down on food waste

Just the other day my husband Jaime and I were cleaning out the fridge frustrated at all the produce and food we were throwing away because it had gone bad. We had every intention of eating it but then of course life happens or your forget about it. We do try to eat healthy and Jaime uses a lot of fresh ingredients in his cooking so we often have fresh produce on hand but unfortunately sometimes it does go to waste. I'm also notorious for going to the grocery store and thinking we don't have a vegetable but turns out we do so now we have tons of that certain vegetable. Do you have similar problems in your household? Enter Dr. Denise Bustard to save the day! She's a scientist turned food-blogger that recommends we make a "use me first" bin and fill that with the produce that needs to be eaten ASAP. Instead of it being stuffed in the back of your fridge, it's right up front and in plain view so you're more likely to eat it. Wow such a simple and doable hack that could really be a game changer. She's got more tips on this at so click here to read more!

Image: Getty

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