Most Americans have a cleaning task that's their least favorite

I am all about having a clean house and truthfully most days I don't mind cleaning. I turn on some music or listen to an audio book and just get the job done. Many weekends my husband Jaime and I clean together each tackling our list of tasks and it goes by super quickly. There's definitely one cleaning task I can't stand doing though, I'm lucky Jaime doesn't mind doing it, and that's cleaning the shower! I have no problem with the rest of the bathroom, it's just the shower. Apparently having a cleaning task that's your least favorite is super common too. Yahoo Finance mentions, 88% of Americans admit to having at least one least-favorite cleaning task and 61% say they've found ways to get out of doing that least favorite task. Please share your secret as there may come a time when Jaime gets sick of always having to clean the shower! What's your least favorite cleaning task?

Image: Getty

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