Bad taste in THIS could be a dating deal breaker

When it comes to relationships we all have our deal breakers. Some are the big ones like marriage, kids, where to live, etc. while others can be a bit more casual but they do still make you question if you can really deal with that for the rest of your life. According to, OnePoll did a survey for Ultimate Ears and found that two-thirds of people feel a partner's bad taste in music could be one of those deal breakers. Luckily I've never had to deal with this because I have a very wide range of taste when it comes to music but I see how this could be an issue. I spend a lot of time at concerts and if my husband Jaime never wanted to go with me that would be terrible! I will say this though, Jaime loves Banda music which is a type of Mexican music, and although I really enjoy it too that's almost all he ever listens to so it can be a bit annoying since I love so many different types of music. This is a tricky one because at first you might not notice it or you think you can just deal with it but as you spend more time together you realize music really is something that can make or break you as a couple.

Thumbnail and above image: Getty

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