Library gets creative with "Curbside Larry" promo video

If "Curbside Larry" doesn't make you want to visit this Library I'm not sure what will! Businesses who have been able to act quickly and get creative seem to be the ones surviving the Coronavirus pandemic and Harris County Public Library is no exception. Throwing it back to those high energy and a bit ridiculous car dealership commercials, "Curbside Larry" is giving it his all explaining all about their library's curbside pick-up and all they have to offer. It certainly helps that with extra free-time during the safer-at-home order lots of people most likely turned to their local library for reading and viewing materials but getting creative and using the character of "Curbside Larry" I'm sure definitely helped as well. I mean look at us talking about it here in Milwaukee! Enjoy this cute promo from "Curbside Larry" for your Make It Through Monday moment.

Thumbnail image: Getty

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