Charlize Theron's powerful message to daughters who say she needs a man

I love the message Charlize Theron is sharing with her daughters about knowing that they are enough just as they are. An article at shared that the 44-year-old actress remembered a conversation she had with her daughters about them telling her she needed a boyfriend. Her response? "Actually, I don't. Right now, I feel really good." Her daughters pushed on saying she need a boyfriend, needed to be in a relationship. Again her response was focused on telling them that she didn't saying "I am in a relationship. I'm in a relationship with myself right now." Theron recalls seeing the look in her daughter's eyes realizing she had never really thought about that being a possibility before and Theron knows that's an important thing for them to know. This is something she wants to speak out about, to remind girls/women they're whole just as they are. I love that this is something she's trying to teach people as I agree. Being in a relationship is wonderful but it's not necessarily the only option. She wants to make sure people know that they're not a failure if they're not in a relationship. What great words of wisdom! You can read more at

Photo: Getty

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