Ellen's staff is happy the "toxic work environment" is brought to light

I really hope this isn't true as I think Ellen is so funny and I actually enjoy her show when I get the chance to see it but according to an article from Good Housekeeping posted at msn.com, Ellen DeGeneres' staff is apparently happy that people on the team are bringing to light the "toxic work environment" including intimidation, fear, retaliation and more. It seems this has been a "known" issue but the staff is happy that now it's receiving more attention. The article mentions that Ellen has yet to comment but producers Ed Glavin, Mary Connelly and Andy Lassner told E! News: "We are truly heartbroken and sorry to learn that even one person in our production family has had a negative experience. It's not who we are and not who we strive to be, and not the mission Ellen has set for us. For the record, the day to day responsibility of the Ellen show is completely on us. We take all of this very seriously and we realize, as many in the world are learning, that we need to do better, are committed to do better, and we will do better."

I think Andy Lassner is one of the funniest people ever and I always crack up whenever he's involved in a segment so it makes me sad to think this might actually be true. What do you think?

Image: Getty

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