23 jokes that wouldn't have made sense three months ago

2020 has been a tough year so far. Our world was turned upside down once COVID-19 took over and we're still not fully through it. In fact, as things start to open up and get back to "normal" we're realizing that it's actually a "new normal" we're living and things probably won't go back to the way they were completely. I've always believed that laughter is the best medicine so thank goodness there are people out there who can really make us laugh when we need it most. Buzzfeed posted 23 jokes that wouldn't have made sense like three months ago and I thought these were some of the funniest. Hoping they give you some comic relief today for your Make It Through Monday Moment. There are more at Buzzfeed.com (warning-some adult language may not be good for work or kids).

*Thumbnail photo: Getty

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