Cedarburg woman does 45 random acts of kindness for 45th birthday

I have an awesome story about a local woman making a difference in the lives of others for your Make It Through Monday Moment today! Shannon Schultz, who is from Cedarburg, WI, is a real estate agent, mother of three, home school parent and active community member and some how she found the time and energy to change the lives of others as well! Every week for 45 straight weeks she has performed a random act of kindness for strangers and neighbors. Schultz was featured in an article at realsimple.com explaining that five years ago, shortly before her 40th birthday, she reflected on ways to commemorate such a milestone birthday and knew she wanted to do good for others. In the 40 weeks leading up to her 40th birthday she started a "Kindness Countdown" and documented her experience on Facebook and a blog to inspire others to spread cheer as well.

Now she's back at it again leading up to her 45th birthday she plans to accomplish 45 random acts of kindness and as you can imagine it couldn't have come at a better time. She has made cookies for the ER staff, crafted bracelets for both the young and old quarantined at home, made care kits for 100 neighbors, purchased grocery store gift cards and gave them to families in need and so much more. To read more on the amazing things Shannon is doing click here!

Photo: Getty

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