Does washing dark clothes with coffee really keep them from fading?

Now-a-days it's all about DIY. Making your own cleaning supplies, hand sanitizer and more. I'm at a loss when it comes to these things as I never know what to believe. Do these DIY creams, cleaning supplies, etc. really work? Have you tried any that have been successful? There's so much info on the internet that you just don't know if something really works. There's a rumor that adding a cup of coffee to your laundry can help keep your dark clothes dark. According to Wikihow, dark coffee or tea acts as a natural dye that will strengthen and support your garment's black dye to keep your dark clothes dark. Then the experts stepped in and said adding coffee to your washer will probably do more harm than good! The expert is Laura Goodman, a senior scientist at Proctor & Gamble, as stated in the article at

Goodman mentions that adding coffee might provide some type of dye effects to dark clothes but it won't necessarily prevent them from fading which is the whole point. Moral of this story, don't believe everything you read on the internet and don't add coffee to your laundry loads! If you want to know how to actually keep your black clothes black, click here and get facts from the experts.

Photo: Getty

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