Americans are bringing back this activity from the past to survive lockdown

I have very vivid memories of going on Sunday drives with my family when I was younger. My Mom, Dad, brother and I would pick up my grandma and just go for drives. She loved doing that. Whether it was gas prices sky rocketing, life getting busy or for whatever reason, those drives didn't happen as often. Now with gas prices so low and people sick of being stuck inside the popular Sunday drive has made a comeback. A new report by finds that more and more people are jumping in the car and just going for drives to help them escape daily life in lock down. Here's what the research found:

  1. Nearly 60% of parents and 45% of non-parents have resurrected the leisurely Sunday drive as an activity to get out of the house.
  2. Parents (53%) admitted to using their cars as an opportunity to get away from their homes and kids.
  3. As many adjust to a work-from-home lifestyle, more than 1 in 4 Americans are using their cars as a makeshift office - particularly parents.

If only my grandma were still with us and I could get my whole family together and go for a Sunday drive. That would be nice. For now I'll just grab my husband Jaime and help him get to know our beautiful state of Wisconsin.

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