Self-Care is so important right now - Make It Through Monday

Many of us got a little emotional last week upon hearing that the "safer at home" order has been extended until the end of May. I'll admit I felt a major mix of emotions. At one point I was angry, then understanding, then confused, etc. No matter how you're feeling right now, I can't express enough the importance of self-care. I truly believe we can't take care of others fully if we haven't taken care of ourselves first. There's a reason as part of the safety instructions on an airplane you're supposed to put on your oxygen mask first before helping others.

I know self-care is often easier said that done so today for my Make It Through Monday moment, I wanted to share some pointers to help you through this. Self-care doesn't have to be tons of work. It can be anything that gives you a break. Here are six reasons self-care is crucial more now than ever from

  1. You won't feel as stressed out - Stress. Wow. It's amazing how one word can be so destructive. I can't believe how our bodies and minds react to stress so if there's anything we can do to limit the stress we feel we should definitely be doing it. Each day try to think about the good things that happened. This will help change your mindset.
  2. You'll be able to care for others better - I know it seems like taking care of yourself first seems selfish but remember the airplane safety instructions. You can't help others as well if you're not taking care of your self first.
  3. You won't take life so seriously - Think about all those times you laughed so hard you couldn't breathe and your cheeks hurt so bad from smiling, that is the best feeling right? I'd rather feel more of that than all that stress!
  4. It improves your mood - No matter how hard we try to not let our mood affect others, it just does, so if we can change our mood it can help us and others.
  5. It will help our heart - Exercise is one of the best forms of self-care. When I work out I feel so much better. A workout doesn't need to be hours and hours long either. Find something that works for you.
  6. It helps promote better memory - When we're not taking care of ourselves, we're probably not getting enough sleep and that can really affect our lives and everyone and everything in them. Your mind in the end will thank you for getting a good, healthy night's rest.

United Counseling and Wellness knows the value of self-care and knows how much the people on the front lines are caring for us at the moment so they want to give back. Right now they're offering free 'self-care sessions' to all doctors, nurses, EMTs, firefighters and police officers so if you or someone you know could benefit from this please let them know. Self-care sessions can help with the stressors in your life, coping with anxiety and uncertainty, avoiding burnout and so much more. Click here to get more info on self-care sessions from United Counseling & Wellness.

Remember self-care isn't selfish and we will get through this.

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