We should be washing our jeans how often?

I definitely wear my jeans more than once before washing them. My husband Jaime on the other hand wants to wash them after every time he wears them and I'm like NO! The jeans he wears to work of course can be washed after every use as they get dirty but the normal every day ones I've had to break him of that habit. I probably wear mine between five and eight times before I wash them, that is if I don't get them dirty. I can be a clumsy person who accidentally spills stuff believe it or not. According to an article from TheActiveTimes.com, Levi's recommends holding out on washing your jeans until after the 10th wear. You're also supposed to wash them inside out in case you didn't know. If you hang or line dry your jeans that helps with preserving the fit and preventing fading. I'll be honest I prefer the dryer. I don't like my jeans to feel stiff plus the dryer tightens them a bit so they don't feel stretched out. The article also explains how often you should wash other pieces of clothing as well as other items in our lives. There are some below and the complete list can be found at TheActiveTimes.com.

  1. Dress shirts and blouses - You can wear multiple times and even more if you wear an undershirt but be aware of the odors that carry.
  2. Sheets - Due to the sweat out body produces while we're sleeping it is recommended sheets are washed at least once every other week.
  3. Blankets - Like comforters and duvet covers, blankets should get washed monthly. I'm definitely not doing that often enough!
  4. Coats - once or twice a season.
  5. Dishcloths - This is a big household mistake we seem to be making as they should be washed much more often. They say after every use is truthfully best but that seems a little unrealistic so just try washing them much more often then you're doing now.
  6. Carpets - high traffic areas should be cleaned weekly.
  7. Bras - these undergarments can go two or three uses without a wash. In between washes and wears you should give your bra rest days for the elastic to regain shape.
  8. Stuffed animals - spot clean as needed and wash weekly depending upon wash instructions.
  9. Plastic shower curtains - these are a breading ground for mildew and mold so washing at least once a month.
  10. Make-up brushes - every seven to 10 days. Whoa I need to start washing mine way more often.

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