Here's why duct tape is one of the most important household items

I learned at a young age that you can do amazing things with duct tape and zip ties. See the picture below for example. My brother Derek was driving home to Indiana where he lived back in 2012 and seemed to be losing air in his motorcycle tire. He called up my Dad Jeff and asked for help so we hopped in my Dad's truck and met my brother at a rest stop in Chicago. Sure enough they found the problem. The valve to fill up the tires with air had a little slit in it so every time air was added it was just seeping out. My Dad literally used duct tape and zip ties to put pressure on the valve in one direction to stop the leaking air so my brother could at least get home. It was really impressive and I'm not just saying that because it's my Dad. It truly is amazing what you can get done with such simple items.

Not everyone knows the value of these simple items so here are some duct tape tricks everyone should know! You can get the complete list from LivingMagazine.

  • opening jars - place the duct tape on the edge of the jar lid and pull!
  • shoe grips - helps a lot with slippery high heels.
  • putting on pressure - like my Dad did with the tire valve.
  • collect pet hair - put it backwards around a paint roller and it works like magic!
  • hammock - you'd need a lot of duct tape but it is pretty strong.
  • hanging clothes - not enough space or no backyard for a clothes line? You can use duct tape to hang up your clothes to dry!
  • cover up holes - little hole in your raft and you don't have time to buy a new one. Put some duct tape over it.
  • phone pouch, bag & more - they make such cute styles of duct tape now that you can really have some fun with it. You can make lots of fun things like bags, clothes, decorations, etc.

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