Julia Roberts' skincare tips to make 52 look 32

I think Julia Roberts is one of the most beautiful women. For being 52 she looks fantastic. Truthfully if I had all the resources these celebrities had I would be looking fire as well but Women's Health put out 5 skincare tips Julia Roberts follows to make 52 look like 32 and they're all things you can do! Maybe she's gotten other work done as well to look as great as she does but the 5 tips are good tips either way so at least give them a try if you're not already doing them.

  1. Never skip sunscreen - I live by this one as well. As much as I can't stand the stuff I always put it on because it's not worth having super wrinkly skin or skin cancer just to get a tan. You really can get tan with sunscreen on too just in case you were worried. Just more of a gradual change.
  2. Always goes to bed with a clean face - Not sure it's true but someone once posted that your face ages a crazy amount when you go to bed with make-up on. I can't remember the exact number only that I was shocked when I read it. It makes sense though. I know you're tired at night but definitely try to remember to wash you're face. I personally believe you sleep better and feel better in the morning when you wake-up.
  3. Don't forget hydration - I know you love that vanilla bean form Bath & Body Works but try finding a really solid hydrating lotion for your hands and feet. That's one thing I need to get better at, remembering to put lotion on my hands. They always get so dry. I am good at remembering lotion on my face and neck though. Don't forget about your neck!
  4. Keep your routine minimal - You don't need hundreds and hundreds of dollars worth of creams, serums, etc. Find one you like and use it regularly.
  5. Eat mindfully - It's no secret having a healthy diet affects your body and that includes your skin. Julia Roberts told the Toronto Sun "We definitely eat mindfully. I always say to my kids, you have to eat the good stuff to get the good stuff." However getting caught up in crazy diets can be overwhelming so her best advice is "remain calm, drink your water, get your sleep and be joyful."

You can read more from the Women's Health article here.

Photo: Getty

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