Make It Through Monday - Live Nativity scene goes wild

You never know what you're going to get when it comes to your child's Christmas program. Some times you're pleasantly surprised and other times you're witnessing the program get wild when one of the sheep goes rogue and starts to wander off with baby Jesus leaving Mary no choice but to step in. I thought this video was so cute and just had to share for my Make It Through Monday moment, powered by Winkie's Hallmark & Gifts. I'm hoping this video brings back fond memories of either your own Christmas program or a child's. I hope you have a very Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays!

It's totally ok if you're still not 100% ready for Christmas. You're definitely not the only one! I still have a few more things I need to do which is definitely stressing me out. I love this time of year but I also really struggle with it as I'm just not into all the gift giving. I love giving people gifts but only when I've found that perfect item for them which truthfully does stress me out. Luckily I've got Winkie's Hallmark & Gifts now. They really have taken away so much stress out of the holidays and have reminded me why I really do enjoy this time of year. Not only do they have tons of gift options for truthfully everyone on your list but they also have cards and gift wrap and bags as well so you really only need to make one stop. They'll even wrap your gifts for you as well making it even easier! I'm so grateful they've taken some of the stress out of the holidays for me so let them do that for you too! Go visit Winkie's Hallmark & Gifts today right on the corner of Silver Spring and Lake Drive in Whitefish Bay!

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