Beautiful Sunflower Field In Oconomowoc Has Been Tampered With

You've probably seen by now that Oconomowoc has that beautiful sunflower field that tons of people have been taking pictures of and posting on social media. You might have even visited it yourself. While there did you happen to notice that quite a few sunflowers had been tampered with? Fox 6 News is reporting that more than 1,000 sunflowers were defaced and damaged as people smeared smiley faces and heart designs into them. People are on the fence on whether that is vandalism though since a few visitors think people are just being artistic. According to the Fox 6 News article, Sandy Syburg, the owner of the farm, argued that people may feel this is innocent and artistic but they are still his crops and if they're tampered with it can impact his livelihood. For every acre of sunflowers, he's able to harvest 100 gallons of sunflower oil, so if some are tampered with that may affect how much sunflower oil he can extract.

So which side are you on: is it vandalism or no? You can read more on this article at

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