Shocking Things People Would Give Up To Never Clean Again

How much do you dislike cleaning? So much so that you'd give up your smartphone to never have to clean again? Or how about adding an hour each way to your commute? According to a new survey from OnePoll commissioned by Yelp, over a third of people said they'd be willing to give up alcohol if they never had to clean again. What's even more shocking is that 23 percent of people said they'd be willing to shave their heads! Wow! Maybe you're shocked that I don't mind cleaning that much. I don't particularity love it but I would rather have to clean for the rest of my life than shave my head!

A big reason why people really don't enjoy household chores is because it causes lots of stress in a relationship. Now that makes sense. I understand it would be frustrating if you were always the one cleaning and the other person never did anything. That seems to be a common thing because according to that survey 80 percent of people said they argue about cleaning. Luckily Jaime and I don't have that problem. Usually we split the duties or one time I'll take on more because he's busy and then another time he takes on more because I'm busy. That's called teamwork. Now my Mom on the other hand is the real lucky one though because my Dad actually likes to clean! He genuinely enjoys it so he does most of it.

The OnePoll from Yelp also had a statistic about something married couples with cleaner houses do more often so find that out here. ;)

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