45% of Americans wear underwear for more than one day

Yes you read the headline correctly: According to a new survey done by underwear company Tommy John, 45% of Americans claim to have worn the same pair of underwear for two days or longer. WHAT?! 45% is a pretty big number if you ask me! What's even worse is the 13% who said they've worn the same pair for a week or more. What I really want to know is who are these people who are admitting to wearing their underwear for 2 days or more! Am I the only one who is completely baffled by this? It seems men are the culprit for this large number as they're 2.5 times more likely as women to wear their underwear for more than a week. Sorry guys but it's in the survey! You can read more from Fox 6 by clicking here.

Photo: Getty

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