Be The Light - Make It Through Monday Moment

Have you ever had someone in your life you didn't technically know super well but somehow you felt like you've known them forever?  That was Christian Diompy for me.  Christian was an instructor at my gym, the Princeton Club, in New Berlin and man was he an incredible instructor and trainer.  There are not many people that would make me look forward to getting up at 4:25 in the morning to go workout but somehow Christian was that person.  He also taught a boot camp class on Sundays and when you walked in and saw he was the instructor that day, your stomach churned a bit because you knew it was going to be one hard workout.  I love that he made me work hard and I love that he treated me like a friend when I only ever saw him at the gym but what I loved most about Christian was his infectious personality.  You could be in the worst mood ever, sweating like crazy doing 200 squats but someone how he'd walk by you with a smile on his face yelling to push harder and you'd all of a sudden start smiling too.  

After a hard-fought 18-month batter with cancer, Christian passed away this past Monday, April 30, 2018.  You're probably asking yourself why in the world this is my Make It Through Monday Moment today.  Isn't is supposed to be something uplifting and happy?  Ultimately you'll see that it is because now it's time for us to pass on his infectious personality and positivity.  There was a Zumbathon fundraiser for his family this past weekend at the Princeton Club and his wife at the end gave a quick speech thanking us for the support and talked about Christian being a light and how now it's our duty to continue being that light in his honor.  A friend had posted this quote about Christian and I agreed it was the perfect way to describe him so here's my Make It Through Monday Moment.  

Although it's hard to remain positive and all you want to keep saying is how life isn't fair, I'm going to do my absolute best to pass on his positivity and be the light for others because this world was a much better place for the 40 short years Christian Diompy was in it.  

Christian I will never forget you yelling "PLANK HOOOOOOVEEEEEEEEER" at 5:30am in the morning so thank you for that and so much more.  Now LET'S GOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!

For more info on Christian and to show your support you can check out his "fan" page on Facebook called Christian's Crusaders.  You'll see first hand what an impact he made on everyone he met.  

Here are links to his gofundme page as well as caring bridge.  

You can check out photos from the Boot Camp and Zumba fundraisers in which I participated.  So fun! 

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