In the ongoing effort to stop the spread of COVID-19, Wisconsin Governor Tony Evers has issued a "Safer At Home" order. This essentially means a shutdown of all "non-essential" businesses and an order to maintain the 6-foot social distancing when not in your homes. Basically, you can walk the dog, for example, but you shouldn't gather with others doing the same in close proximity unless they are members of your own household. You can travel to stores, gas stations, and more for what are considered essentials (including liquor stores), but travel otherwise is discouraged - essentially, prohibited - via this order. U.S. Mail, people providing repair services, delivery people, and more will also continue. The Wisconsin National Guard will be out offering both assistance and enforcement of this order as needed.
With respect to restaurants, it was said the rules under the order would stay similar to now, which I believe means they will still be allowed to offer food and beverages via carryout or delivery (their response wasn't super-specific.) If so, I'll continue to note which restaurants, particularly local ones, are offering that.
Early voting has been suspended, ahead of the April 7th election. The Governor is encouraging absentee voting online at, or you can still request an absentee ballot by mail.
In terms of a timeline for official implementation and when it may be lifted, announcements will come tomorrow.
You can get additional coronavirus and COVID-19 information via 2-1-1; you can also contact the CDC hotline at 1-800-CDC-INFO.
In case you're wondering, on-air radio people are considered essential (we even got FEMA cards), so I'm coming in to work to play music for you and keep you updated.
More details will be released tomorrow.