Eric Paulsen

Eric Paulsen

I wanted to be in radio since I was four - and four decades later I still haven't grown out of it...Full Bio


WATCH: Bears locked themselves inside a van

Some bears accidentally locked themselves inside a van and had to

No, not Chicago Bears players... although that's what first crossed my mind. Some bearcubs got into a van near Gatlinburg, Tennessee, which is right at the foot of the Smoky Mountains and has a large bear population. The lil' cubs then managed to shut the doors and lock themselves in. They even honked the horn trying to figure out ways to get out... or maybe they just wanted to honk the horn for fun, we're not sure.

Some guys managed to get them out while trying not to anger the possibly-nearby mama bear because that would lead to a quick mauling. It didn't, all is well. See it here!

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