Eric Paulsen

Eric Paulsen

I wanted to be in radio since I was four - and four decades later I still haven't grown out of it...Full Bio


Boy Scouts drop the "Boy" part; Girl Scouts shrug

The Boy Scouts of America doubled down yesterday on its quest to become the scouting organization of choice for both boys and girls, announcing it will drop "Boy" from the name of its signature program.

The decision didn't impress the Girl Scout organization, which noted no new, "girl specific" programming.

“Girl Scouts is the premier leadership development organization for girls,” Sylvia Acevedo, CEO of Girl Scouts of the USA, said in a statement. “We are, and will remain, the first choice for girls and parents. "Both groups, which have been at odds since the Boy Scouts decided to open its doors to girls, have been struggling with declining membership. The umbrella organization will retain its name, Boy Scouts of America or BSA. 

The term Cub Scouts, for kids 7-10 years old, is gender neutral and also will go unchanged. Boy Scouts, which includes kids from 10 to 17, will become Scouts BSA in February.

Ch-ch-changes... more on this story here.

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