Dave Michaels

Dave Michaels

Dave Michaels enjoys ice cream, whiskey, knitting, and being indoors-y...Full Bio


Wordle Has Named the PERFECT Starting Word

If you play Wordle, are you in the camp who uses the SAME opening word every day . . . or do you mix it up with DIFFERENT ones?

The "New York Times" did some analysis to find the most optimal words to begin with . . . and they say the best starting word is CRANE.

Others that are also good include: Crate . . . slate . . . slant . . . trace . . . lance . . . carte . . . least . . . and trice.

So how did they settle on CRANE? Well, not surprisingly, they used a digital bot to optimize the results. The "Times" says their "WordleBot" solves the 2,309 possible Wordles using the fewest number of guesses when it starts with "crane."

That's in normal mode though.

The word DEALT is the most successful in HARD mode, where you HAVE to use any revealed green or yellow letters in future guesses.


Photo: NurPhoto via Getty Images

Photo: Getty Image

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