Dave Michaels

Dave Michaels

Dave Michaels enjoys ice cream, whiskey, knitting, and being indoors-y...Full Bio


Maxine Waters has given over $1 million in campaign cash to....her daughter

According to Fox News, U.S. Rep.Maxine Waters, D-Calif., has cashed in more than $1 million for her daughter through her campaigns since 2003, according to federal election data.

Karen Waters received over $1.1 million for her services with her mother’s campaigns -- $250,000 of which came from the most recent election cycle, reported the Federal Election Commission

The daughter of the California Democrat organized slate-mailing operations to bolster her mother's re-election. 

Slate-mailing is an uncommon practice in federal elections, where a consulting firm is hired to create a pamphlet of sorts that contains a list of candidates or policy measures, and advises voters how to cast their ballots.

Rep. Waters was reportedly the only federal politician to use a slate-mailer operation during the 2020 general election.

Photo: Getty Image

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