Dave Michaels

Dave Michaels

Dave Michaels enjoys ice cream, whiskey, knitting, and being indoors-y...Biografía completa


Happy Holidays! Costco is selling giant bottles of eggnog liqueur

  • If you need more "proof" that the holidays are upon us, look no further than Costco's booze section. The warehouse store is selling huge bottles of egg nog...that's also full of alcohol.
  • The Eggnog Liqueur is being sold in 1.75-litre bottles for just $9.99.
  • The Liqueur comes in three flavors and has a 14.75% ABV, and contains real dairy, spiced rum, brandy, whiskey, and french vanilla flavoring.
  • Costco has introduced other boozy products in the past, including "spiked" popsicles and pre-made Jello-shots.
  • Would you drink this during holiday celebrations? Are you a fan of eggnog?

Photo: Getty Image

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