Dave Michaels

Dave Michaels

Dave Michaels enjoys ice cream, whiskey, knitting, and being indoors-y...Full Bio


It's ok to admit that marriage is really freaking hard

People always say how the first year of marriage is the hardest, much like they tell parents of new parnets of newborns, but it wasn’t true.

At least not for my wife and I. Our first year was like an extended honeymoon. There were a few challenges, but nothing like the stuff we’ve dealt with since then.

Since the picture below was taken 8 years ago today, my wife Angela and I have gained and lost family, became parents, bought a house after two moves and have experienced highs and lows in our careers as well as our own relationship.

Everyday, we make decisions that sustains a marriage, but it's the commitment to life’s messes and failure that makes a marriage strong.

Today, we celebrate us, all of it, on our 8th wedding anniversary.

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