This Is Wisconsin's Weirdest Law

Law theme. Judge chamber.

Photo: Getty Images

There are certain rules that everyone in the United States has to follow under the law. For example: Most people know that you can't drive a vehicle in the U.S. until you're 16, vote until you're 18 or drink alcohol until you're 21. But when federal and state laws vary, and when the legislature is constantly coming up with new laws and amending old ones, it can be hard to keep track of what you can and cannot do. Sometimes, weird laws slip right under our noses.

Luckily for us, Thrillist found all of the weirdest laws in each state. In their search, they discovered this interesting Wisconsin law:

In Wisconsin, you can face up to six months in jail for… selling home-baked cookies.

In 2016, Forbes reported on a bed and breakfast owner named Lisa Kivirist who sued the state over the law, calling it “arbitrary and irrational.”

“If I lived a half hour to the south in Illinois, I could make up to $25,000 a year selling homemade baked goods,” Kivirist said. “But in Wisconsin, our spatulas are tied.” Incidentally, Wisconsin is one of just two states in America that ban selling home-baked goods. The other state is New Jersey.

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