If you follow Kelsea Ballerini on TikTok, you’ve probably seen her glamorous holiday look that she rocked with her bestie earlier this month. The country singer-songwriter took to the social media platform with a new video, admitting that she questioned whether to wear the dress in the first place. Ballerini explained why she wore it anyway — and shared a word of advice to anyone else on the fence about an outfit.
The “half of my hometown” singer explained that she and her best friend were getting dressed up for a festive bar crawl in Nashville, “and we really wanted to get all dressed up and be a little bit extra…” Looking like Christmas ornaments in green and gold sparkling dresses, the women worried they’d “be overdressed for the group we were meeting up with. …We were a little insecure about it,” Ballerini revealed. “Before we left the house we were like, ‘Uhh, should we wear this? People are gonna look at us. Are we gonna look like we’re trying too hard? Blah, blah, blah…’”
Here’s why Ballerini and her “BESTIE” decided to wear their shimmering dresses, and the word of advice she has for others:
“…We decided that we felt good in it, and we wanted to go out, and we want to feel pretty and glittery. And don’t you know it, everywhere we went, someone complimented our outfits, and my point is: If you also have that little, insecure voice in the back of your head questioning whether you want to wear something that you actually do want to wear, just wear it. And also, if you’re the person that sees someone else’s outfit and you love it, say something. You’re gonna make their day.”
Watch why Ballerini is about to “hand out outfit compliments” here: