Some major freeway closures start today

I've lived in Milwaukee for a large portion of my life, and I feel like for a large portion of my life, the freeways in this town have been under construction!

A new phase of the Zoo Interchange project is staring now. According to WISN12, the "north leg" of the project includes 1-41 between Watertown Plank Road and Burleigh.

As a Tosa guy, I'm going have to re-think my drive to and from work as this part of the project is going to close several on and off ramps in that area including, according to WISN 12, the 1-41 southbound exit to westbound North Ave, 1-41 southbound exit to eastbound North Ave, and the North Ave entrance to I-41 southbound. This starts this evening and runs THROUGH 2023 (is it me, or is that a really long time).

See all the closures by clicking HERE.

Photo: Getty

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