Check Out Carrie Underwood's Journal Entry After She Won "American Idol"

Yesterday was the 17th anniversary of CARRIE UNDERWOOD winning "American Idol". In honor of that she posted a page from the journal of, in her words, "a 22-year-old farm girl who just had the most incredible night."

Here's what she wrote: "It all came down to the final moment. Ryan had the gold card in his hand. Big moment. [I] took one more look at the amazing crowd and let it sink in for a few seconds.

"Ryan said something like 'And your 2005 'American Idol' is . . .' And my heart beat fast and I closed my eyes. 'Carrie Underwood.' The crowd went wild. I immediately started crying. It was a beautiful moment. All the other contestants were sent out to hug me. I was crying the whole time. Then I was asked to sing. I blubbered through 'Inside Your Heaven'."

Photo: Getty Image

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