Remember NEW COKE?

Pass the NEW COKE....said NOBODY!

One of the stories that has been circulating this week is that of the on-demand streaming arm of CNN, cleverly called CNN+, has shutdown, barely a month after it launched and likely as a result of a bunch of merging of bigger companies. You know, corporate stuff.

For many, it's a reminder of one of the biggest branding and marketing blunders in the history of history. This month back in 1985, the Coke-a-Cola Company announced that they were changing it's like centuries old formula and creating NEW COKE.

I don't personally remember tasting it, was pretty young in 1985, but people hated it so much that the company pulled if off the shelves in a matter of weeks and to this day, people make fun of NEW COKE, kind of like I am now.

Check out this video of the NEW COKE launch.

Photo: Getty

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