I lost 25 pounds and took 3rd place in my Biggest Loser competition!

For my Make It Through Monday moment today I get to share some exciting news with you about my fitness journey. I'm sure you've heard me mention many times on the air that I'm a member of the Princeton Club in New Berlin and how much I love it there. The instructors are awesome, the classes are great, the staff is friendly and now I have a new appreciation for a program they run called The Biggest Loser. The Biggest Loser is a weight-loss competition that runs for 12 weeks and is designed to help you learn a healthier way of living in a fun and educating way. It helps to create exercise routine, healthier eating and accountability not only to help you lose weight but so you feel better and work towards a healthier you. Working towards a healthier me is exactly what this program did and I'm excited to share with you the story of my success.

I was part of team "Getting Jacqued" which one of our team members creatively came up with based on our trainer's name. We met every Thursday morning at 5:30am with our trainer Jacquie who designed a 50 minute workout for us that usually kicked our butts. We also weighed in each week to gauge our progress as well as maintained a food journal (if you've never used My Fitness Pal try it, it will change your world) so we could actually see the areas in which we needed some work but also where we were doing well. As I mentioned earlier this was a competition so they also added in nutrition and exercise challenges that when completed would help you get points for your team. Although my team didn't come in first points wise, we did have the highest percentage of weight-loss which I consider a major victory!

So where did I end up in the competition? I'm very excited to report I came in 3rd place overall with a total of 24.4 pounds lost and 15.60% body weight loss. Those numbers are pretty cool to see but most importantly though is how great I feel. At one point someone said to me "I know we're not supposed to comment on people's bodies anymore but I just wanted to let you know that you look great." I happily responded with "Comment away. I've been working my butt off...literally." One of the reasons I had such great success was because I did everything right. I showed up to every class, I took food journaling seriously and really paid attention to what I was eating, I completed every single extra challenge, etc. and I'm really glad I gave 100% as it paid off!

I'm super proud of where I ended up and to say the program helped me is an understatement as it truthfully changed my life. But in the very first sentence above I called this a fitness journey because a journey is exactly what it is. I'm going to take everything I learned and continue to apply it to my every day life so I can keep working towards a better me. This program not only helped me lose weight but my trainer Jacquie taught me so much about nutrition and what my body needs to be healthier....and it wasn't just stop eating chips and sweets by the way!

Now it's time for the THANK YOUs. It wasn't easy getting to where I am today and I have TONS of people to thank for that. First and foremost thank you to our trainer Jacquie. She wanted us to succeed so spent the time putting together great workouts, reading over every single food journal every single week, providing great feedback and keeping us motivated. Secondly, thank you so much to my team members of "Getting Jacqued" as I literally couldn't have done it without you. Paul, Steve, Mark, Chris, Amy, Laura, Jackie, Kim M and Kim N, thank you for showing up each week to class and keeping me motivated. It was so great getting to know all of you and I can't wait to see you around the Princeton Club! Extra special thanks to Kim N for turning me onto this program. I'll be forever grateful. Thank you to my husband Jaime and all my family and friends who supported and helped me along the way. It meant a lot and you sure know how to make a girl feel special! Lastly, thanks to all the team members at the Princeton Club like Zack for running such a great program, Kelly for the helpful nutritional videos, all the instructors that show up each week and teach all the great classes I take, and everyone else who has made an impact on my fitness journey. THANK YOU SO MUCH!

Click here to learn more about the Princeton Club and here to read more on the Biggest Loser program.

Photo credit: these are my personal photos

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