100 Things We Can't Wait To Do When The Pandemic Ends!

It’s been one of the most unusual years in all of our lives and we’re all itching to get back to normal life. And while things are slowly bur surely starting to return to normal, I can think of tons of things that I’ve really missed throughout the pandemic, as I’m sure we all can. USA Today has put together a list of “100 things we can’t wait to do when the pandemic ends”. Hang out in a crowded bar, kiss strangers, go to concerts, cough or sneeze in public without getting dirty looks!

Here's the full list from USA Today

  1. Hug our friends!
  2. Ease away from our masks.
  3. Hang out in a crowded bar. We're talking shoulder-to-shoulder, live music, someone else's beer on your shirt.
  4. Kiss strangers. 
  5. Visit with with family and friends, in-person, no screens.
  6. Travel! Domestically and internationally. And not have to quarantine for days after traveling.
  7. Get on a plane without waiting for two weeks and results of multiple tests.
  8. Go to concerts and music festivals.
  9. while in public.
  10. Make small talk with acquaintances.
  11. Take public transportation.
  12. Host a party with food and loved ones!
  13. Go to a get together someone else is hosting. 
  14. Attend milestone events like weddings, proms and graduations.
  15. Be a plus one at a fun event. 
  16. Go to the grocery store without planning, precautions and preparation. 
  17. Put away groceries without wiping them down. 
  18. Play indoor sports.
  19. Netflix and chill (in person).
  20. Go to therapy (in person).
  21. Chill at the mall.
  22. Eat inside a restaurant without worrying about eating in said restaurant.
  23. Play drinking games.
  24. Wear lipstick and actually have others be able to see it.
  25. Get our hair done professionally.
  26. Go to the gym and indulge in group workouts full of motivational cheers.
  27. Delete Houseparty, Zoom and other video conferencing apps.
  28. Delete Instacart and other grocery delivery apps.
  29. Delete TikTok. (Hmm OK maybe that one can stay.)
  30. Say goodbye to maskne (mask acne)!
  31. Stop worrying about the characters on TV that aren’t wearing masks or social distancing.
  32. Go to a sporting event in a packed stadium.
  33. High-five strangers. 
  34. Take group photos.
  35. Go to a sold-out movie and eat movie theater popcorn — it's just not the same at home.
  36. Scream on a roller coaster.
  37. Forever ban the phrases "now, more than ever," "in these unprecedented times," "amid the coronavirus pandemic" and every variation of such.
  38. Dance in a crowded bar to “Dancing on My Own” by Robyn.
  39. Try on clothes in the store before buying them.
  40. Watch “Contagion” without having a breakdown.
  41. Walk our dogs with buddies.
  42. Bask in our moisturized hands that aren't dry and cracked from constant washing.
  43. Get to know our Tinder dates without asking about their vaccination status, COVID status and pandemic habits.
  44. Stop fighting with roommates, friends and family over differing levels of quarantine. 
  45. Stop saying "you’re muted" or "can someone go on mute?"
  46. Breathe a big sigh of relief. 
  47. Sleep easier. 
  48. Plan for the future! Remember those days?
  49. Visit a museum or other attractions without having to check and see if it’s closed and what the COVID protocols are.
  50. Show off new clothes.
  51. Casually strike up a conversation with someone at a bar. 
  52. Work at a coffee shop instead of at home. 
  53. Grab all the free samples at Costco.
  54. Indulge in bottomless brunch with the masses.
  55. Let our kids play with other kids at the playground.
  56. Get grandparents back as babysitters.
  57. Send our kids to school.
  58. Sign our kids back up for soccer, dance, gymnastics or whatever else might get their energy out.
  59. Take our kids to all the germ-filled places we never thought we miss like trampoline parks and arcades.
  60. Smile at strangers without a mask.
  61. Get rid of the Clorox wipes in our purses, pockets and bags. 
  62. Stop giving the side-eye to strangers not wearing a mask (or wearing it below their nose).
  63. Wear something other than pajamas on a daily basis.
  64. Make weekend plans.
  65. Use the bathroom at friends' houses during backyard hangs.
  66. Sit at the bar for dinner and chat with the bartender about something other than COVID.
  67. Admire celebrity fashion with real red carpets.
  68. Enjoy awards shows, premieres and events without the technology fails of virtual shows. 
  69. Get distracted at work by talking to coworkers about our lives, the shows we are watching, our pets and kids, etc.
  70. Shop for clothes without the guilt of worrying we have no place to wear anything. 
  71. Return to the nail salon.
  72. Get a professional eyebrow wax. 
  73. Grab a ride through Uber and Lyft sharing (a wild concept, but a great time).
  74. Share food and drinks with friends without worrying.
  75. Get a massage or a facial. Or both! 
  76. Feel safe going to the pool.
  77. Return to meetings on the phone instead of on Zoom.
  78. Go on a bike ride with dad.
  79. Cuddle up on the couch with mom and watch “Dateline” together on a Friday night.
  80. Hail a taxi in the city.
  81. Stay in a nice hotel on vacation.
  82. Hear “Up” at a party.
  83. Feel satisfied after successfully flagging bartender in a crowded bar.
  84. See "Hamilton" live and not on Disney+.
  85. See any Broadway show live.
  86. Meet all the babies that have been born that we couldn’t see.
  87. Meet friends’ new significant others in person instead of over Zoom.
  88. Pass people on the sidewalk without stepping onto the grass to keep distant. 
  89. Sniffle and sneeze without becoming frantic about our symptoms. 
  90. Go to a doctor's office or busy building without pausing for a temperature check. 
  91. Get books from the library.
  92. Have dinner with more than six people seated at a restaurant table.
  93. Ditch the nasal swabs and PCRs for a long time. 
  94. Act like a tourist again, even in our own hometowns.
  95. Have visitors and/or bring someone with you to the hospital.
  96. Expand our COVID social bubbles.
  97. Return or exchange groceries again. 
  98. Get rid of elbow bumps. They're weird. 
  99. Go on an in-person first date.
  100. . Be able to be 0 ft. away from each other.

Photo: Getty

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