Couple says "3x3" rule has done wonders for their marriage

The pandemic and quarantine has really tested people's relationships. Not necessarily because they struggled through it, but mainly because things got turned upside down and people had to deal with brand new scenarios to which they weren't accustomed. Raising a family is stressful in general and all that stress can cause problems in a couple's relationship. According to The Mirror, a woman shared on Kidspot that she and her husband were having some issues and that lead them to discussing the "3x3" rule. The basics of this rule is that each parent gets three hours a week just for themselves. It can be taken all at once or broken up, but during that time they are left completely alone and can do whatever they want. In addition to that alone time, they also reserve three hours for them to spend as a couple doing whatever they want together.

The woman commented that "for about a month now, we've been implementing the new rule in our relationship, and I'm shocked at how much has shifted for us already. All the resentment, that silent cancer that eats away at marriages, has genuinely slipped away." She explained that knowing she has that "me time" scheduled makes her less testy, and keeps her from trying to sneak in some free time because she knows she has it coming. Whether your relationship is struggling or not brining in this "3x3" rule sounds like it might be a good idea! Click here to read more from The Mirror.

Image: Getty

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