Watching this type of video is good for your health

It's no secret we get sucked into watching videos. You start with one video on how to fix a leaky faucet and an hour later you're watching poodles exercising with a human. Turns out ending up on that animal video may actually be good for you! According to a new study from the University of Leeds in the U.K., watching images of adorable animals may help ease stress and anxiety. The study found that viewing about 30 minutes of cute animals can help lower blood pressure, heart rate and anxiety. When they did the study on college students during exams, they found their levels of anxiety went down by 35% when watching the videos. I'm no scientist and I've done zero research on this but I don't doubt these findings one bit! I don't even really like cats but even I enjoy watching those cute cat videos. You can read more on this at and next time you're feeling down or stressed just google cute animal videos and watch your mood change! Here are a few to get you started.

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